Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Frameup of Edgar Steele

Greetings from the Northwest Homeland, comrades. December the 2nd, 2010, I’m Harold Covington, and this is Radio Free Northwest.

Interesting Edgar Steele update this week. Some major holes are starting to appear in the prosecution’s case, such as it was. I’d like to thank Mr. James Buchanan for putting this out on the internet, and this comes from his report.

According to Larry Fairfax, Edgar Steele was going to have Fairfax murder Cyndi Steele and then Edgar was going to pay Fairfax with money from an insurance policy on Cyndi’s life. In a recent interview of Cyndi Steele by Jamie Kelso, Cyndi has revealed that the Steeles had canceled their insurance policies. This pretty much demolishes the government case against Edgar Steele. If anyone other than Edgar Steele were being accused, he would be released from prison by now.

A little over a year ago, Edgar Steele suffered a ruptured heart aorta. He was rushed to the hospital and escaped death by the narrowest of margins. After weeks in the hospital, Steele was able to return home in a greatly weakened condition. Cyndi Steele hired a handyman, Larry Fairfax to fix some pipes that been damaged by freezing water. The Steeles retained Fairfax to do work around their ranch while Edgar Steele was convalescing. Unknown to the Steeles, Larry Fairfax had previously worked as an informant for the FBI. Over the next six months, Larry Fairfax spied on the Steeles as a government informant.

Years earlier, Edgar Steele had defended the Aryan Nations from a civil lawsuit which ultimately took away the Aryan Nations compound from its owner, Richard Butler. Since that trial, Steele has defended a number of pro-White activists (often at no charge). Edgar Steele has also written a series of articles on his “” website exposing various government conspiracies and criticizing the state of Israel and its undue influence on our government.

Clearly Edgar Steele was not popular with Zionists or the many pro-Zionist Congressmen in our federal government. In an earlier case in Idaho, the federal government sent an informant to spy on Randy Weaver. After a year of spying, the federal informant eventually talked Randy Weaver into cutting off a shotgun barrel a quarter inch too short. After entrapping Mr. Weaver for a technical firearms violation, the Feds then tried to pressure him to become a government informant against the Aryan Nations. The federal government reportedly spent a million dollars and a year’s effort trying to turn Randy Weaver into a government informant. Weaver refused to go along with the government and the Feds responded by executing a raid and siege of Randy Weaver’s home in Ruby Ridge, Idaho in which federal agents murdered Randy Weaver’s son and wife.

If the federal government was willing to go to that kind of extreme measure against someone, whom they wanted to turn against the Aryan Nations, how would the federal government feel about a lawyer who actually defended the Aryans Nations? The federal government was willing to break the law and even murder people in the past over the Aryan Nations. This means that the federal government is capable of ANYTHING based on their past behavior.

The government informant, Larry Fairfax was employed as a handyman at Steele’s ranch for six months. Apparently Fairfax was unable to discover ANY illegal behavior by Edgar Steele during this time. In April of 2010, Larry Fairfax declared bankruptcy as his main business failed with $600,000 in debt. Fairfax was behind on his mortgage payments and in danger of having his home foreclosed. It was at this time that Fairfax is believed to have stolen $45,000 in silver from secret hiding places on the Steele estate, some of which Fairfax had built as a handyman.

To cover up the theft of $45,000, Larry Fairfax hatched a plan to murder Edgar and Cyndi Steele with a massive car bomb. When the bomb failed to go off, Fairfax fell back on a second plan to claim that Edgar Steele was plotting to murder his wife. Someone, presumably the apparently helped Fairfax fabricate fake tapes that used a simulation of Edgar Steele’s voice. Cyndi Steele listened to these alleged tapes of her husband (which were played to her by the Feds) and noted that whenever the conversation turned from what chores Fairfax was supposed to do to the alleged murder plot, the inflection in Edgar’s voice would disappear and the background noise would change, strongly suggesting that the tapes were fabricated.

In a series of interviews with Jamie Kelso of the WhiteNewsNow web site, Cyndi Steele revealed that the Feds tried to bully her into confessing that she was cheating on her husband. They claimed to have pictures of her with another man (which they didn’t). When Cyndi insisted that there was absolutely no truth to that, the Feds tried to claim that a Ukrainian client of Edgar Steele was an illicit girlfriend of his (even though Edgar was still recovering and required additional surgeries in spring of 2010). It was glaringly obvious that there was no reason for Edgar Steele to kill his wife and the Feds were trying to fish around to find a reason that would make a murder plot more believable.

Cyndi also revealed that they caught Larry Fairfax snooping around underneath their house one day, and after that they kept a very close eye on him. In May of 2010, Larry Fairfax borrowed the Steele’s pick up truck and swapped the relatively new tires off it for his truck.

Edgar Steele was arrested on June 11th for plotting to murder his wife. The bomb on Cyndi Steele’s car however was not found until June 15th when Cyndi took her vehicle to a Quick Lube for an oil change. Larry Fairfax was arrested June 15th for possession of an explosive device. Fairfax was questioned and admitted to putting that bomb on Cyndi’s car. A judge at Larry Fairfax’s preliminary hearing asked why he hadn’t filled up the pipe bomb with sand instead of gun powder. That of course assumes that Fairfax was acting as a police informant and not trying to murder Cyndi Steele to cover up his theft of a large quantity of silver.

According to the government, Steele was going to pay Fairfax for the murder of his wife with the money from an insurance policy. The policy reportedly covered accidental death, but no one has ever explained how an enormous pipe bomb exploding could possibly be considered an accidental death. An attorney such as Edgar Steele would know that a homicide does not count as an accidental death.

Even more important is the fact that the Steeles had canceled their insurance policies. Apparently Larry Fairfax was ignorant of this critically important piece of information. Clearly it’s time for the government to release Edgar Steele from prison and to charge Larry Fairfax with grand theft of $45,000 in silver and the attempted murder of both Edgar and Cyndi Steele.

Oh, while I’m thinking about it, you folks might want to go to the Edgar Steele website at and download as many of Edgar’s articles and podcasts as you can. There is no telling how long this site is going to remain up and we don’t want Ed’s internet work to be lost to the rest of us.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

From RFN on Edgar Steele

Greetings, comrades. There’s no Edgar Steele update this week; no news, really. The trial has been postponed to March the 7th, Cyndi Steele is doing a speaking tour to try and raise some money for legal expenses, and that’s about it. That’s one bad thing about these cases; the federal government has the capacity to simply sit and wait the rest of us out, postponing and postponing the trial until the short American attention span kicks in, everyone loses interest, and wanders away. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen with Ed Steele. They learned their lesson back in the days of Sacco and Vanzetti; courtrooms are for disposing of people the régime finds inconvenient, not for making martyrs out of dissidents.

It would help of course if Ed had an energetic, completely dedicated and privately hired attorney who would give him what the legal code of ethics from the bar association supposedly requires, i.e. he would defend his client fully and zealously—their words, not mine. But apparently the cost these days of a real defense in a court of law begins somewhere in the neighborhood of $250,000, and all the family’s assets deliberately seized and frozen by the federal government in order specifically to prevent the retention of a defense lawyer who might give the prosecution problems or ask embarrassing questions.

So much for equality under the law; just like our American healthcare system, our American judicial system is tied to a cash register. Justice in this country is for sale, and I mean that literally. It has a cash price tag attached.

Cyndi has only been able to raise about 10% of that so far, if my information is correct. I believe she is now concentrating on an attempt to raise enough money to try and pay an independent electronics and audio expert to review the so-called tapes recorded by Larry Fairfax wherein Edgar Steele allegedly tries to hire Larry Fairfax as a hit man. My understanding is that Cyndi has in fact been allowed to listen to a few of the tapes, most likely when the FBI was trying to convince her to be quiet and disappear and not embarrass them by coming out in public support of her husband, and one of the things that’s prompted her to stand up and speak out is the fact that those tapes sounded fuzzy and jerky and jumpy, as if certain key words and phrases had been added.

By the way, in case you folks are wondering and thinking that all this speculation about the FBI tampering with the tapes is just paranoid conspiracy theory, I can tell you just from doing this Radio Free Northwest broadcast every week that tampering with audio files is not just possible, it’s done all the time. I do it all the time. I use an audio editing program called WavePad, and to spare my voice, I usually record this show is segments, which I then string together in Wavepad to make more or less a full hour. I drop in the music last of all.

Now, sometimes on this show I will miss or slur a word or accidentally delete part of a sentence when I’m editing, and I have to go back and speak the word or phrase into the microphone again, record it in Wavepad, and then drop it into the podcast. Sometime you guys notice this, I’m sure, where there’s a little skip or jump in the cast, but I’ve gotten sufficiently good at it over the past year to where I can usually slip a word or a phrase in smooth as silk and you don’t notice it.

And the government of the United States has far better and more sophisticated resources for doing this than I do on my PC, not to mention much more skilled audio techs to commit forgery. So there is no question at all that Edgar Steele could have been framed. The technology definitely exists. I know because I use it myself. The question is, was Edgar Steele framed, and here is where we have to look at the character of the United States government and the law enforcement agencies involved. Once the moral and political character of the FBI is taken into account, I think we all know the answer to what’s going on here.

The next event in this dog and pony show should be Larry Fairfax’s sentencing on December 16th, but we don’t know yet whether that will be postponed as well. They will want to have a handle on Larry to make sure his testimony goes according to plan and make sure he doesn’t mess up, and I think they may lose some of that leverage if Fairfax has already been officially sentenced. We’ll see how that plays out.

Some people have asked me why I think Edgar Steele is being framed, especially at this point in time when he was just out of the hospital and he wasn’t actually doing much of anything. Steele was planning on running for governor of Idaho but his health problems pretty much put the kibosh on that, and he had already announced his intention to withdraw.

Some people think it was because Steele was about to publish another book, this one on the Israeli involvement in international human trafficking for sexual purposes, and it’s true that the Jews can be hyper-sensitive and very vindictive about such things, but let’s face it, any such book wouldn’t really have told us anything we didn’t already know, would it? The Israeli mob is know to world law enforcement as the biggest pimps and White slavers around; Jews are to prostitution what the Colombians and Mexicans are to cocaine, the niggers are to heroin, the Russian mob is to Medicare and computer fraud, and poor Whites are to methamphetamine. So no, I don’t think it’s that.

As to why the régime gone after Edgar Steele, it could well be that there is a very simple explanation. They’ve done it because they can. They know that no one will dare to stand up for a so-called “White supremacist,” whatever the hell that is, and they know all they have to do is get him in front of a jury full of drooling morons up there in North Idaho and find some way to emphasize that Steele was the lawyer who defended Richard Butler and Aryan Nations, and Bob’s your uncle. Easy win for the lady prosecutor and the FBI’s clearance stats go way up.

You have to bear in mind that the FBI especially considers White Nationalists to be easy pickin’s, a quick shot in the arm for their case and clearance stats, and convicting a so-called White racist is a shot in the arm for any FBI man’s career prospects back in DC. Convicting a wicked racist looks really great in an FBI agent’s personnel file. And they’re right. We are easy pickin’s, We’re like dodos back on those South Pacific islands in the 19th century; we’re fat and slow and stupid, we’re not dangerous because unlike Muslims we never fight back or retaliate, so arresting and framing White Nationalists is completely risk-free. And we’re good eatin’ in the legal and political and public relations sense. I won’t state the obvious, lest I incite, but so long as we’re easy pickin’s and good eatin’, the FBI are going to help themselves to us any time they get the munchies, so to speak. Like going out to KFC and picking up a bucket of extra crispy.

The Edgar Steele case might be something a little more subtle though. It might be the régime’s way of letting us know that they never forgive and never forget. Ed Steele defended Richard Butler ten years ago and the Christine family eight years ago, but our lords and masters have long memories; this could be purely vindictive.

Or it could simply be a lifestyle bust. Somebody in authority just plain does not like Edgar Steele, he or she has the power to fuck with Steele using the system, and so they’re doing it, just because they can. When the late author and Gonzo journalist Dr. Hunter S. Thompson was having his home in Aspen, Colorado turned over for twelve hours by the local cops on a “he touched my titties” complaint from a ditzy female “journalist,” who later turned out to be bogus, Thompson knew one of the sheriff’s deputies who was tossing his place and he asked him what the hell was really going on. The cop replied, “Hunter, this is a lifestyle bust. The decision has been made. We are going to bring you into the system.”

This is the purpose of more of these cases than I think we suspect: to bring someone into the system, to pull them into the mincing, mangling machine which is the law in this country and thus prevent them from doing anything for a long time other than struggling and screaming to get out. It’s kind of hard to make speeches and write blogs when your legs are trapped in a whirling steel machine and you’re being dragged down the conveyer belt towards the blades.

This may well be one reason that the Steele family’s assets were seized and frozen; not just to make it impossible for Ed to hire a bona fide defense attorney, but simply to inflict hardship on the Steeles, as witness the fact that Cyndi is now having to go on a speaking tour to raised desperately needed funds.

A fabricated legal case turns the victim’s life into one long nightmare wherein all time, effort, and above all funds of the targeted person or group must henceforth go towards “The Case” rather than the political, social, or internet activity which our lords and masters find annoying or inconvenient. And if and when the targeted victims do finally escape from the net, with or without having served a prison sentence, they are usually so destitute and just plain terrified of being forced back into the machine that they bow down to our lords and masters and do what is required of them, i.e. they shut up.

I have known a lot of men who stood up magnificently in prison itself, and yet when they were finally released they disappeared so quick you’d have thought Scotty beamed them up to the Enterprise. They never formally broke or surrendered, but after many years they lacked the strength necessary to commit the one final act of defiance: to return to political activism even after the System has done their worst.

Even if Edgar Steele does finally come to trial in March, and even if he does escape from the jury of pale drooling morons anxious to please the government and show what good non-racist liberals they are, if and when they finally do open the prison doors and let him come tottering out into the sunlight, what kind of shape is he going to be in, mentally, morally, emotionally, financially?

In the event of an acquittal, will the court un-freeze Ed’s gold and silver and his bank accounts? Will he be strong enough to continue to write and publish on the internet? I hope so, but at his age and in his state of health, the body and the mind don’t stand up very well to endless months of prison without trial. Right now they’re trying to break him. One way or the other, we’re going to see what this man is made of.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Latest on Steele

Edgar Steele's trial has been postponed until March 7. That’s four months of delay, for no apparent reason that anyone can determine. Obviously, the U.S. Attorney wants to avoid a public trial because they now have virtually no evidence except for the so-called tapes of Steele soliciting Larry Fairfax to kill his wife and mother in law, and of course there’s Fairfax himself, who is by now so completely discredited by his own behavior that I suspect the feds don’t dare produce him in a courtroom and on the record. My guess is they want the extra four months to bring more pressure on Ed Steele to cop to a plea, to publicly admit that something happened, anything, so as to let the FBI off the hook. Be interesting to see what kind of a deal they offer him, if we’re ever allowed to learn.

Of course, it also gives them another four months wherein Steele’s terrible health might kick in and solve the whole problem for them, with or without a little encouragement from the prison doctor. Bear in mind that 11 months ago Steele underwent very serious open heart surgery and his health has to be pretty precarious. That’s not something you just get up and walk away from. Anybody remember what happened to Jim McDougal in federal custody back in 1998, when it looked like he might break and his testimony before Ken Starr might have embarrassed Billyboy?

That will mean that by the time he comes to trial—if he ever does come to trial—Edgar Steele will have been in prison for nine months for a crime which it is becoming more and more clear every day he did not commit. I won’t even bother to ask what happened to the Constitutional guarantee of a speedy trial; we’re dealing with the government of the United States here, and they are allowed to ignore any and all sections of the Constitution as it pleases them.

The second item of news is that the federal judge has modified the no-contact order against Steele and his wife Cyndi, his alleged victim. Well, sort of. Edgar Steele and Cyndi Steele are now allowed to meet once a week in the Spokane County Jail, but they are not allowed to touch, they are not allowed to exchange any written notes or documents, and they are not allowed to say anything at all about the case.

Steele’s court-appointed attorney must present at all times and he is under court order to immediately suspend the meeting and have Steele hustled back to his cell if he doesn’t like anything either husband or wife says. Finally, all of these meetings are to be recorded and by order of the judge, the recording of each meeting is to be gone over with a fine toothed comb in order to make sure that Cyndi and Edgar are not communicating in some kind of secret code. No, I am not making this up.

I’m sorry if this seems to be rocking the boat at a time when Ed Steele needs all the support he can get, but I’m sorry, I simply don’t believe that a man who is being paid by the very court system and the very government that has initiated this whole grotesque farce and is clearly determined to destroy this man out of what appears to be nothing more or less than sheer vindictive malice, is capable of representing Steele with the kind of single-minded and complete zeal which any attorney is supposed to devote to his client’s interest.

The fact that the judge appointed Steele’s own ostensible attorney as the watchdog over these horrible government-supervised meetings tells the story, I think, as well as the fact that the judge assumes that this man who is supposed to be on Steele’s side will enforce this atrocity without question. I have a really creepy vision in my mind as to what these meetings will be like. What the hell are husband and wife supposed to talk about in a situation like that? The weather?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Edgar Steele Update for October 9th

There was a second federal informant involved and Edgar Steele knows who he is, but is apparently prohibited by law from naming him. It will be interesting to see whether or not Steele’s defense is still prohibited from naming him at the trial, if Steele is unable to get permission from the government to do so using the affidavit below.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cyndi Steele Appeals for Your Help

September 17, 2010

Cyndi G. Steele
P.O. Box 1255
Sagle, ID 83860

Dear Friends of Edgar Steele:

Edgar J. Steele has been entrapped by a legal system that presumes his guilt in the face of false charges. Ed has been in jail and solitary confinement for three months in Spokane, Washington because of false allegations that he masterminded a murder-for-hire plot to kill me and my mother.

I have NEVER believed that Ed was involved in such a plot.

Ed has defended the politically incorrect for years; people who, were it not for him, never would have had representation. Those who oppose Ed hate the truth and have threatened to harm Ed, me and our family in the past. Clearly, he is a political prisoner of the USA and quite literally, he is fighting for his life. There is a growing number of people who are banding together to make it possible for Ed to have the defense he needs against bogus government charges. We are asking you to join us.

Here is the bottom line: without experts to prove that false government tape recordings are only imitations of Ed’s speech patterns (using voice cloning technology), and without experts to present the truth about alleged explosives, Ed will be “sent to the gallows” for something he didn’t do.

We have an opportunity to prevent this great injustice. This is not the first time the government has made false criminal allegations against innocent people. Thus, it is our choice whether we want to be a part of the movement to stop this kind of government-sponsored insanity. Let me tell you, we sincerely need your help.

I humbly ask for your assistance, as I am financially strapped and unable to raise the amount of money necessary to provide a proper defense for my husband. [NB: The federal government has seized and frozen all of Edgar Steele's assets in order to make sure he is unable to pay for a competent defense. - HAC] Any financial gift you can make will go directly to the Ed Steele Defense Fund, to be placed in an attorney’s trust account and to be used exclusively for Ed’s defense. Contributions of $50.00 and $100.00 will be greatly appreciated as we try to make our goal of $250,000.00 needed to pay both attorney fees and the legal costs of this case. Time is critical as we need to have a new attorney on board soon who will work for Ed.

Edgar needs an attorney who is willing to challenge the FBI’s conduct and show that the government is wrong. Edgar can’t move forward without your help in funding his defense. Your kind financial assistance will help us to engage a qualified attorney (who has already been contacted) who believes in Ed’s innocence and will work vigorously to protect Ed’s rights and confront the government.

These are tough financial times. But, please give a moment to think about my husband, sitting in a jail cell, day after day, with no hope, not even able to help in his own defense. I can’t visit him with him to give him hope or moral support, because the judge has entered a very unfair “no-contact” order.

Even the smallest donation will go a long way to help win this case and expose the corruption behind the false charges. It may even help others who also face false accusations by the government.

Please make your contribution check / money order payable to:

The Edgar Steele Defense Fund
P.O. Box 1255
Sagle, Idaho 83860

(Funds will be held in an attorney’s trust account.) Or, go online and donate by credit card and through PayPal at:

My sincerest and most heartfelt thanks for your time in considering this plea for help,

Cyndi G. Steele

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Radio Free Northwest Commentary 9-16-2010

Major league Edgar Steele update this week.

On September 7th in federal court in Coeur d’Alene, Edgar Steele’s wife Cyndi finally stepped up to the plate, and legally speaking she may have knocked one out of the park. Maybe, if we can get anybody to pay attention to what she’s saying. That court date was supposed to be a plea bargain hearing for Larry Fairfax, the federal informant who manufactured a pipe bomb and attached it under Cyndi’s SUV. Fairfax was going to get a sweetheart deal which would basically allow him to do a few months of cushy time in a minimum security facility and then walk out the gates, provided of course that his testimony convicted Edgar Steele, who is the real target of this bizarre little psychodrama from the Age of Obama.

What Cyndi did was use a little known aspect of the law, the right of the victim of a crime to file an official and legal objection to a plea bargain involving the crime committed against her. She and her mother-in-law Mrs. Kunzman both filed legal objections to Larry Fairfax’s sweetheart deal in exchange for his testimony against Edgar Steele. In doing so I won’t say they’ve blown the lid off the case, since the news media has been silent on it except for one article in the Bonner Daily Bee and nobody has yet heard Cyndi’s story because of this media blackour, but they have given us far more information about what has been going on in this loathsome frame-up than anyone else so far. At long last, we are getting a glimpse at the inner workings of this sickening case.

I might also add that Cyndi only did this after the U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case, a woman named Traci Whelan, repeatedly refused to return her calls or to discuss the case with Cyndi. It became so glaringly obvious that Cyndi was just being blown off by the government that she said to hell with all this low profile crap, something is rotten in the state of Denmark here and I’m gonna start sounding off.

The key words here are from one of the federals’ own court documents describing Fairfax’s criminal actions as part of the plea bargain deal. In fact these words may be inadvertent; some clerk typist in the U. S. Attorney’s office or some dumb FBI agent who doesn’t know how to write a report may have slipped up and let the cat out of the bag. I quote “Fairfax and another individual, not identified in the documents, drove to Oregon to check whether the pipe bomb was still on her vehicle. They didn’t see it and returned to Idaho assuming it had fallen off.”

This is the first word we have had of anyone else being involved in the alleged murder plot, and yet the FBI has refused to publicly identify or arrest this second individual. In other words, there was not one but at least two federal informants involved in framing Edgar Steele. My guess is that the unidentified person was Fairfax’s handler. Who knows, maybe John Doe Number Two in the Steele case was actually a badge carrying federal agent? Now, what do you want to bet that this John Doe Number Two is made to disappear from the narrative just like the John Doe Number Two in the Oklahoma City bombing? Yeah, I know, that doesn’t really apply, since the identity of the Oklahoma City John Doe Number Two has been known for years, but you folks understand what I mean.

In her objection to the judge, Mrs. Steele demanded to know who Fairfax’s accomplices are so she can protect herself from them. She wants them brought to justice, which is unlikely if the kingpin, Fairfax, is allowed to get off easy.

Here’s where it gets nasty. According to Mrs. Steele’s affidavit, at the time of her husband’s arrest the FBI told her that there were still multiple accomplices of Larry Fairfax and her husband Edgar Steele quote-unquote “out there,” allegedly circling like sharks waiting to kill her, and that was why she had to go into hiding, never speak to the media, and why she must never attempt to contact her husband or ask him what the hell’s going on.

I have been wondering about that. Now, when a woman has been married to a man for 30 years and all of a sudden she is informed that her husband has allegedly tried to hire a hit man to kill her, you would think that the first thing such a woman would want to do would be to march right in and demand some kind of explanation or at least hear his side of the story. You’d think after 30 years she owed him that, at least. Cyndi Steele apparently didn’t, and for a while that puzzled me. Well, now we know why. The Federal Bureau of investigation frightened the living bejesus out of her by conjuring up images of assassins with sniper’s rifles and silenced pistols in her closet and hiding under her bed.

Also, a comrade of ours pointed something out, and that is that the federal court’s no-contact order is in practice mutual. It’s just that, it’s not a restraining order, it’s not an Ed mustn’t contact Cyndi order, it’s just what it says, a non-contact order, and Cyndi can’t contact her husband without violating the order. In other words Cyndi is just as much prohibited from talking to Edgar as vice versa. Steele himself is now facing an additional ten years for sending his wife a birthday card and speaking to her on the phone, in a call that was set up by the authorities especially to incriminate him. The régime wouldn’t even allow the two of them to meet for the discussion of their financial affairs, such financial affairs as they have since the régime seized and froze all of Edgar Steele’s assets so he couldn’t hire a competent attorney. Somebody sure as hell doesn’t want Edgar and Cyndi Steele getting together and comparing notes.

That was the one of the first circumstances that led me to believe that there really is a frame-up going on here. If the government’s case is really so solid, and if they have Steele bang to rights on these alleged audio and video tapes soliciting the murder of his wife and mother in law, then why do they need all this skulduggery? Why not bring in Cyndi Steele for a big confrontation and videotape the whole thing? Their so-called evidence can’t be all that convincing if they are afraid that Steele might persuade his wife of his innocence simply by talking to her.

Here is Cyndi’s version of events as contained in her affidavit, and by the way, these affidavits are available for your inspection and edification online in .pdf format. The URLs are too long and complicated for me to read out loud here but I’ve posted them on my blogs and you can e-mail me directly at and I’ll send them to you.

In late May of this year Cyndi Steele took an 18-day journey from her home in North Idaho to Portland, Oregon to be with her mother, who has been ill. In the early morning hours of June 11, 2010, the FBI went to visit Mrs. Steele there, the same day they arrested her husband on so-called evidence supplied by Fairfax, the man who actually planted the bomb and who was allowed at that time to remain free.

However, according to the affidavits of both Cyndi Steele and her mother, instead of warning Mrs. Steele that they had a report of a bomb under her car, the FBI agents sat outside the house for two hours for unknown reasons. Now remember, the official story was that Fairfax had supposedly come forward on June the 8th, allegedly filled with horror at the thought of being solicited to commit murder, and so you would think the FBI would have been aware of the pipe bomb at the time of the visit. But they neither checked under the car for the bomb themselves, nor did they call the Portland bomb squad, nor did they have the car impounded so it could be inspected.

Instead, Obama’s Finest allowed Cyndi Steele to drive 450 miles back to North Idaho with a bomb under her car, where on June 15th she pulled into a Jiffy Lube and the attendant pointed out an object attached to her exhaust system, a pipe with some wires and several sticks of dynamite. Not a black powder pipe bomb as originally claimed by the FBI and the media, but a real life dynamite job of the kind the Mob refers to as tail-piping. That’s another piece of disinformation spread by the media but contradicted by the actual court documents. The local bomb squad was called in to neutralize the device and U.S. Highway 95 had to be shut down for several hours as the bomb was blown up in a controlled detonation, so yes, it worked and it
would have killed Cyndi Steele or anyone riding in the vehicle.

Why didn’t the FBI in Oregon take immediate action, not only to warn her, but to neutralize the bomb? If the bomb had detonated in a populated area when Mrs. Steele hit a pothole or other obstruction in the road, it’s possible that many people would have been killed, and yet the FBI did nothing. The only thing they have come up with by way of an explanation is that Larry Fairfax, uh, “forgot” to mention during his debriefing that he had already wired dynamite to Cyndi Steele’s car. That’s a pretty big oops, there, Larry.

Do you believe that? I don’t. I think those federal agents knew perfectly well that Cyndi Steele’s car was rigged to explode and they deliberately left it so that Cyndi would be killed and that would lend credibility to their case against the husband Edgar, who is their real target. I think the FBI and the U.S, Attorney have have received orders from the Obama régime in Washington, DC to get Edgar Steele and they don’t care how they do it. After all, a dead Cyndi Steele couldn’t gum up the works and throw a monkey wrench into the system by believing in her husband and filing inconvenient affidavits in court, now, should she?

Something really off kilter is going on here. Why would the government enter into a plea bargain with a confessed criminal whose accomplices are at large, when the FBI allegedly believes they still want to kill the victims? The government routinely makes deals with mobsters like Joe Barboza and Sammy Gravano who have killed dozens of men, but I admit I’ve never heard of anything as blatant as this happening before. Why is it that these other individuals, whom the FBI told Cyndi Steele exist, have not been charged with a crime since the U.S. Government claims to know who they are, including the one who accompanied Fairfax to Oregon to check on whether the pipe bomb was still on her vehicle, and was clearly knowledgeable of the crimes being committed by Fairfax.

Why is the U.S. government protecting the identity of a co-conspirator who has complete knowledge of the entire scenario and who was physically present when a very important part of the crime was being committed? Isn’t a co-conspirator someone who offers assistance, such as helping Fairfax check on the bomb?

I think the answer is obvious. At least one of the so-called other conspirators is either a long-term federal informant or a badge-carrying FBI agent who was acting as Larry Fairfax’s handler and they don’t dare to reveal his or her name.

Fairfax was about to lose his house in foreclosure. He stole thousands of dollars of gold and silver bullion from Edgar Steele while acting as his handyman, and he needed a way to cover up those thefts. But then again, maybe Fairfax had another source of income. There have been a number of other inconsistencies in the dribs and drabs of evidence that the FBI has allowed to leak out which indicate that Fairfax was already a federal informant when he first met Edgar Steele and he may have been sicced on Steele deliberately.

The Obama régime is clearly trying to break Steele. After Steele’s arrest and after two phone calls which appear to have been arranged by the government in order to incriminate and entrap him, Steele was held incommunicado in isolation, without visits from friends or family for almost six weeks. For some weeks the Spokane County jail denied that Steele was there and said the U.S. Marshals had taken him away to an undisclosed location; it is still not known whether Steele was in fact removed from the jail and taken elsewhere for a time, since he has not been allowed any uncensored or unmonitored communication with anyone. A public outcry and a letter and phone campaign from Mrs. Ingri Cassel of the Idaho Observer to state senators and representatives finally forced the government to reveal Steele’s whereabouts and allow him correspondence and visitors, although right around that time the Spokane County Jail mysteriously changed their rules so that inmates can now only receive post cards.

Another interesting thing recently came out; Cyndi Steele has fired the attorney she had and is in the process of looking for a new one. One wonders whether her previous long silence was due to bad legal advice she was getting and who was actually signing this attorney’s checks.

One final note: both the affidavit from Cyndi Steele and the ones from her mother are couched in required legalese form, and yet they pointedly contain favorable references to Edgar Steele. It’s easy to read between the lines: Cyndi and her mom don’t buy the feds’ wild story about Steele hiring Larry Fairfax as a hit man. So that’s one question answered: Cyndi Steele and her mom are standing by their man. That’s the first good news in this foul case since it started.
As to who the unnamed “accomplices” of Larry Fairfax are who remain at large, I think it’s fairly obvious—they are federal informants or possibly even badge-carrying agents, hence the mysterious inability of the FBI to apprehend them. If I were Cyndi Steele or Mrs. Kunzman, I would be a hell of a lot more afraid of the FBI than I would be of Edgar Steele sitting alone and isolated in his prison cell and dependent for his defense on a paid employee of the very system that’s trying to destroy him.

For the complete podcast go to

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cyndi Steele Steps Up

For anyone who is interested, .pdf copies of the affidavits filed with the federal court by Cyndi Steele and her mother-in-law can be viewed at the following URLs:

Both affidavits are couched in required legalese form, and yet they pointedly contain favorable references to Edgar Steele. It’s easy to read between the lines: they don’t buy the feds’ wild story about Steele hiring Larry Fairfax as a hit man. So that’s one question answered: Cyndi Steele and her mom are standing by their man. That’s the first good news in this foul case since it started.

As to who the unnamed “accomplices” of Larry Fairfax are who remain at large, I think it’s fairly obvious—they are federal informants or possibly even badge-carrying agents, hence the mysterious inability of the FBI to apprehend them. If I were Cyndi Steele or Mrs. Kunzman, I would be a hell of a lot more afraid of the FBI than I would be of Edgar Steele sitting alone and isolated in his prison cell and dependent for his defense on a paid employee of the very system that’s trying to destroy him.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cyndi Steele Finally Gets It

Many people may be wondering why Edgar Steele's wife, Cyndi, hasn't come forward in defense of her husband until now.

For the reasons stated below, Cyndi will stay in relative seclusion for the time being. She is in the process of hiring a new attorney to protect her rights and the rights of her family (things did not work out with the attorney who was representing her before). This will give her and the family some breathing space to have active representation while they go about their lives. Now that the Feds have shown that they are not willing to prosecute the other unnamed accomplices of Larry Fairfax who are involved in this case, Cyndi realizes that taking a low profile to allow the FBI to do their job, simply will not do any good.

The Steele family needs all the support that can be mustered. Please send the information below to anyone interested. Most of the old questions should be answered. As always, when there is new information available, it will generate a myriad of new questions.

Cyndi will be able to answer and respond to legitimate questions and concerns now that the Feds have proven their true colors and shown her that keeping a low profile really serves no purpose.

You may explain the following to anyone who asks: "Why has Cyndi been in seclusion?":

1) On the day that Ed was arrested, the FBI warned Cyndi that Larry Fairfax had certain unnamed accomplices who were "out there" or who were at large and that they had an active plan to kill her and her family;

2) The FBI promised that they had, or would, arrest the unnamed accomplices of Larry Fairfax whom they had identified and prosecute them for their crimes (giving her the impression that she and her family would be protected from these criminals who were known to the FBI, but who were still at large);

3) Cyndi believed the FBI and has kept a very low profile, not wanting to interfere with the FBI and their investigation; and, of course, not wanting to put her life or the lives of her family in jeopardy while they all waited for the Feds to round up these "bad guys" so that she and her family would be safe;

4) By the middle of last week, when a plea bargain with Larry Fairfax was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today and the prosecutor, Traci Whelan, failed to call her back after Cyndi tried to reach the prosecutor on August 26th about the Fairfax plea bargain, Cyndi could see that the Feds were going to give Larry Fairfax a "sweetheart plea deal" without even consulting her and that his unnamed accomplices still had not been identified or arrested or charged or prosecuted; and

5) Finally, Cyndi decided to come out of seclusion and demand her legal rights as a victim, guaranteed by Congress, to object to the Fairfax plea bargain. Cyndi has demanded that she and her family be protected - and she has demanded that the Fairfax unnamed accomplices be brought to justice, because these unnamed accomplices are partly responsible, as co-conspirators, for the crimes against her and her family (that includes of course the planting of a bomb under her vehicle).

Note: There is no question that the feds know who these people are because they told Cyndi so; but, they are not telling anyone else and they have not arrested them, which makes it appear that they are protecting them. So, what's that all about?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fairfax Pleads, Second Informant Confirmed

The Bonner County Bee confirms that Larry Fairfax has signed a plea bargain agreement with the government. Also, for the first time, reference has now been made in a legal document to a second federal informant active in the case who has not been identified.

Sorry About Hiatus

Sorry about the lack of updates, guys, but we're in one of those long "nothing happening" phases in any criminal case where everybody just sits and twiddles their thumbs waiting for a trial date that may or may not happen.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ten Years In Prison for a Birthday Card

Steele may have violated order

Murder-for-hire suspect allegedly sent birthday card to his wife from jail

COEUR d'ALENE - Prosecutors say a birthday card mailed from jail by Edgar J. Steele, likely to his wife at their home near Sagle, is a possible violation of a court-ordered no-contact order. The card included the handwritten line: "Never, in a million years, would I do anything to knowingly harm you."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Traci J. Whelan filed documents in U.S. District Court in Coeur d'Alene to notify the court of the birthday card.

"It appears to the United States this is not only a violation of the court's no-contact order, but another blatant attempt by the defendant to persuade his wife (Cyndi Steele) to do whatever is necessary to help him," Whelan wrote.

Edgar Steele, a 65-year-old attorney who has handled multiple high-profile trials, is charged with allegedly hiring someone to kill his wife and mother-in-law and make it look like an automobile accident. Steele has pleaded not guilty.

Prosecutors say they have audio recordings of Steele hiring a hitman to get the job done. The recordings were made with the help of the hitman-turned-informant who wore a hidden recording device in secret meetings with Steele.

A trial is set for Nov. 1 in front of Chief U.S. District Court Judge B. Lynn Winmill in Coeur d'Alene.

Steele's attorney, Roger Peven, couldn't immediately be reached for comment Monday about the birthday card.

In the card, Edgar Steele writes: "How do I begin to say I'm sorry for being the reason that all this has befallen our family. I know how to say 'I love you.' Though they won't let me say it, they can't stop me from loving you ... nor you from loving me, of course - which I hope you still do, sweetheart."

Prosecutors received a copy of the letter sent by Steele from the Spokane County Jail, where he's being held. The card was sent out last month, and Cyndi Steele's birthday is July 29, court documents say.

The envelope was addressed to Kelsey Steele, Edgar Steele's daughter.

But, prosecutors say, "The handwritten message is indicative of what a husband might write to his wife."

Inside the card, Steele writes: "Do whatever it takes to be able to stand by my side and to continue to be my partner in life."

And, "With all of my heart, happy birthday, my love."

A copy of the birthday card and envelope were filed in court documents last week.

Two days after Steele was arrested June 11, Steele was recorded making phone calls from Kootenai County jail to his son and wife, instructing them that Cyndi Steele must tell authorities that the voice of the man ordering the hit isn't her husband's.

Prosecutors played the jail-house calls to his wife and son from June 13 during a court hearing on June 22.

"No matter what you hear, no matter what you think, no matter what you feel, you have to say the following: 'No, that is not my husband's voice,'" Steele told his wife. "Then, like a rhinoceros in the road, you have to stand your ground and refuse to say anything but that."

Steele was indicted June 15 on a charge of murder-for-hire, and at that time the court granted a motion by prosecutors to establish a no-contact order to prevent Steele from communicating with his wife.

Late last month, prosecutors added against Steele the charges of tampering with a witness (because of the jail-house phone calls to his wife), use of explosive material, and possession of a destructive device in relation to a crime of violence. A large pipe bomb was found under Cyndi Steele's vehicle during an oil change in June. Steele has pleaded not guilty to those additional charges as well.

Winmill approved a monitored jail-house visit between Steele and his wife, to discuss "common property and interests, as well as financial issues related to their children."

On Aug. 11, Winmill approved the meeting, but set multiple ground rules. The Steeles would not be permitted to exchange notes or other documents and they could not discuss the case against Edgar Steele or anything related to it. And Peven would have to record the entire meeting.

A day after the meeting was approved by the court, prosecutors got copies of Steele's mail. It was unclear Monday whether the meeting has taken place or will still take place.

Whelan couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Edgar Steele Update from August 19th Radio Free Northwest

Next, a brief Edgar Steele update. It looks like at the last minute the trial has now been postponed to November 1st. It was supposed to have started on Monday, August the 16th. Let’s hope that Steele’s court-appointed defense counsel uses that time to look into all the aspects and possibilities of government fabrication of audio files. Just on general principles I would love to see somebody successfully challenge government wiretaps and other covert recordings, because I know that there has been a lot of suspicion in the past that these audios have been tampered with in other cases, organized crime surveillance tapes and whatnot. Most juries are so dumb that they assume the accused person is bound to be guilty or he wouldn’t be there.

There is another development which I find very significant, if true, but unfortunately the only source for this information we have so far is a rather dubious one, and for that reason I won’t mention anything about this until I can get it confirmed or denied one way or another. The entire broadcast may be found at

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Steele's Attorney

Edgar Steele's bashful public defender is apparently named Roger Peven. I'd give his office address and number but A) the Goat Dancers will shriek and holler that I am somehow "sabotaging" Ed's defense and B) the FBI might arrest me for "threatening" Mr. Peven by posting to the internet information which is already a matter of public record. (This is what they did to Bill White.)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Edgar Steele Update from August 12th Radio Free Northwest

Okay, now let’s kick off with our weekly Edgar Steele update. So far as anyone knows the trial is still scheduled to begin Monday, August 16. My guess is that it will take a couple of weeks. At this point there’s not much merit in speculating on the outcome. It’s pretty clear that the federal case against Steele is incredibly weak; basically all they seem to have is a few video and audio tapes in which those who have heard them claim to have detected serious audio anomalies in the crucial points in the conversation between Steele and the federal informant Larry Fairfax, the points where Steele is supposed to be actually discussing the murder for hire plot. Fairfax himself is so compromised by his own arrest for planting a bomb in Cyndi Steele’s SUV that I am astonished that the government is still relying on him, but I suppose they have no choice.

Now, I really think we need to be looking at one crucial point here: who is this public defender that Edgar Steele has been lumbered with because the government deliberately seized all his bank accounts and assets? Maybe I missed it somewhere, but does anyone on our side even know his name? I just read over all the published news media reports on the case again, and maybe I just missed it, but I don’t think even the media have given us this attorney’s name. They just refer to him as a “public defender.”

Is this guy any good? Does he show up for court prepared and sober, or does his slouch into the courtroom unshaven in a sweaty shirt and reeking of last night’s bourbon binge? A lot of public defenders are basically courthouse loafers, ward heelers, and hopeless drunks who can’t get any other employment anywhere else in the legal system, because they’ve been caught in acts of dishonesty or perjury and because they’re so dysfunctional in their personal lives. It could well be that freezing Ed. Steele’s assets was a deliberate attempt on the part of the regime to make sure he ended up with a lousy lawyer who won’t ask any embarrassing questions but who will sort of mumble his way through the trial.

Can this man be relied upon to stand up in that courtroom and ask the pointed questions that need to be asked? Will the subject of possible politically motivated government entrapment even be broached at all in the jury’s hearing? Will he subject the federal informant Larry Fairfax to a genuine, searching cross-examination not only as to his actions but as to his motives? Will he delve deeply into the length and nature of Fairfax’s contacts with the FBI? Or will he just slough off Fairfax’s cross with a few mumbled irrelevancies? Will he take the line that “Oh, no, we mustn’t mention possible government fabrication, because that will prejudice the jury and get the judge angry at me?” Does he have the strength of character to demand that the government pay for an independent audio expert to examine the original tapes, or I should more likely say the original digital audio recordings, of Edgar Steele allegedly asking this idiot Fairfax to kill his family?

By the way, for those of you who are interested in the ins and outs and technical details of the case itself, so far as we know them, there is a new website up at

This is a pretty good rundown of the facts, insofar as the facts are known.

Edgar Steele Comment on RFN

Okay, now let’s kick off with our weekly Edgar Steele update. So far as anyone knows the trial is still scheduled to begin Monday, August 16. My guess is that it will take a couple of weeks. At this point there’s not much merit in speculating on the outcome. It’s pretty clear that the federal case against Steele is incredibly weak; basically all they seem to have is a few video and audio tapes in which those who have heard them claim to have detected serious audio anomalies in the crucial points in the conversation between Steele and the federal informant Larry Fairfax, the points where Steele is supposed to be actually discussing the murder for hire plot. Fairfax himself is so compromised by his own arrest for planting a bomb in Cyndi Steele’s SUV that I am astonished that the government is still relying on him, but I suppose they have no choice.

Now, I really think we need to be looking at one crucial point here: who is this public defender that Edgar Steele has been lumbered with because the government deliberately seized all his bank accounts and assets? Maybe I missed it somewhere, but does anyone on our side even know his name? I just read over all the published news media reports on the case again, and maybe I just missed it, but I don’t think even the media have given us this attorney’s name. They just refer to him as a quote-unquote “public defender.”

Is this guy any good? Does he show up for court prepared and sober, or does his slouch into the courtroom unshaven in a sweaty shirt and reeking of last night’s Bourbon binge? A lot of public defenders are basically courthouse loafers, ward heelers, and hopeless drunks who can’t get any other employment anywhere else in the legal system, because they’ve been caught in acts of dishonesty or perjury and because they’re so dysfunctional in their personal lives. It could well be that freezing Ed. Steele’s assets was a deliberate attempt on the part of the regime to make sure he ended up with a lousy lawyer who won’t ask any embarrassing questions but who will sort of mumble his way through the trial.

Can this man be relied upon to stand up in that courtroom and ask the pointed questions that need to be asked? Will the subject of possible politically motivated government entrapment even be broached at all in the jury’s hearing? Will he subject the federal informant Larry Fairfax to a genuine, searching cross-examination not only as to his actions but as to his motives? Will he delve deeply into the length and nature of Fairfax’s contacts with the FBI? Or will he just slough off Fairfax’s cross with a few mumbled irrelevancies? Will he take the line that “Oh, no, we mustn’t mention possible government fabrication, because that will prejudice the jury and get the judge angry at me?” Does he have the strength of character to demand that the government pay for an independent audio expert to examine the original tapes, or I should more likely say the original digital audio recordings, of Edgar Steele allegedly asking this idiot Fairfax to kill his family?

By the way, for those of you who are interested in the ins and outs and technical details of the case itself, so far as we know them, there is a new website up at This is a pretty good rundown of the facts, insofar as the facts are known.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Edgar Steele Stormfront Post

Posted by: PoseidonOfTakeOurWorldBack
On: 08-05-2010 04:14 PM

I thought Stormfront was supposed to be a *pro*-White forum. Over the last few weeks I've been compiling a long article about the Ed Steele case - extended timeline with screenshots of the news reports, concise timeline that makes it easier to spot the absurdities, discussion of the absurdities / debunking of the official conspiracy theory, etc. And there's a video to go with it. Now I find the main thread's been closed on the "murder-for-hire plot", the very day I'd finished my page and was about to post details over there.

Given that the prosecution 'evidence' is so weak, the plot so preposterous and the contradictions so prevalent, a good legal defense should make all the difference in this case. The Feds seized his life savings, so he cannot afford a good private lawyer ( - and he can't run the case from a jail cell. If Ed Steele is acquitted - as he should be - it would be a kick in the teeth for the parasites and liars who hate to have their deceptions exposed.

There must be many people who have vaguely heard about the Ed Steele case, who haven't looked into it, who just don't know if he's innocent or guilty, and therefore will not make any donation. These people must be given the facts about this case. But they cannot be expected to wade through 100+ page threads, multiple forums, and time-wasting comments and diversions by trolls and shills, so I have compiled all the information on a single page for the reader to see how this case is obviously a set up.

The Frame-Up of Edgar Steele (

Timeline (extended)
Timeline (concise)
The Preponderance of Evidence in Favor of Edgar Steele The 'Evidence' for the Prosecution Conclusion - More Likely Scenario What To Do Next

Also see the accompanying video of the same name.

YouTube - ‪The Frame-Up of Edgar Steele‬‎

Thursday, August 5, 2010

From Radio Free Northwest

[The following is from Radio Free Northwest dated August 5th, 2010.]

We begin as always with our weekly Edgar Steele update. A hearing was held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on July 28 with a federal judge who phoned it in from Boise. The accounts I get from people who were there indicate that Steele’s public defender was pretty lackadaisical about the whole thing. We’re not talking Matlock here, apparently.

Well, what can you expect? I repeat that for someone to entrust their defense to an attorney who is being paid his salary by the same regime that is trying to do you harm, seems to me to be a bit of a conflict of interest, but often defendants have no choice. It’s pretty obvious to me that the public defender system is one of these aspects of democracy that is intended to establish the appearance of fairness and justice, while making sure that the reality of fairness and justice is always weighted in favor of the power structure and that the people the System wants locked up get duly locked up.

I mean, come on now! Outside of a lawyer show on television, when was the last time anyone ever heard of a public defender actually getting anybody released from the jaws of the mincing machine? What public defenders are good at is negotiating plea bargains. I have known a lot of guys who have been arrested, and they have described to me their experiences with public defenders. The daily pressure from the cops, the prosecution, and their own lawyers to cop a plea from these people is immense, and it takes almost superhuman strength of will to resist. I can almost tell you with almost full certainty that right now Ed Steele’s public defender is twisting the screws on Ed in every way he can to try and persuade him to cop a plea. One of the reasons in our Northwest Constitution we prohibit lawyers as a profession.

Anyway, getting back to the hearing, a trial date for Edgar Steele has been set for August 16, which I repeat is absolute lightning speed by Federal standards. The kid who was arrested for posting a poem to the internet didn’t come to court for five months, (more on him in a bit) and Bill White had to wait almost 18 months for a trial.

Not even a hint of a trial date yet for the Hutaree militia, so far as I know. They were arrested in late March and on May 3rd a judge granted bail to all nine of the accused, which is basically his way of saying that he knows full well the FBI case is bullshit. If there had been any genuine evidence of a conspiracy or any serious danger of violent resistance to the régime. then all nine of them would still be buried alive under the jailhouse.

I don’t deny that there is still the odd federal judge around who may actually have some last lingering remnants of a sense of decency. Apparently this one who granted the Michigan defendants bond is one such. I guess the régime’s case against those nine hapless individuals is so obviously contrived and filled with perjury there that even a lifelong servant of the system in a black robe gagged on it. A pity Edgar Steele can’t get a judge like that.

I personally suspect that the reason for Edgar Steele’s overly speedy trial is that the régime wants to convict Steele before they have to try their own informant Larry Fairfax for planting the bomb in Cyndi Steele’s SUV. So far as I am aware they haven’t set a trial date for Fairfax, and he seems to have dropped off the radar. That saves them from the embarrassment of having to rely on the word of a convicted felon in the Steele case, and I am sure that with his own case hanging over his head, Mr. Fairfax will definitely be on his p’s and q’s in the courtroom and turn in a stellar performance.

The complete podcast may be found at